Academic Support Center Tutoring Program

The Academic Support Center Tutoring Program reaches students through One-to-One Tutoring.

One-to-One Tutoring

One-to-One Tutoring on the 正规赌博十大网站 Campus is provided free of charge to qualified students who participate in a TRIO Student Support Services.

TRIO Student Support Services provides services and support to students who are first generation college students, low-income, or disabled.

Would you like to be a tutor?

Tutors are always needed. If you excel in a certain subject area and would like to share your skills, why not become a peer tutor? You could earn money between classes and it looks great on a resume. Anyone interested in tutoring, please contact Olha Ratushko, tutor coordinator, in SS162.

Please e-mail Olha Ratushko at for assistance and questions.